Prof. Myung-Seop Lim

Design Method for Reducing AC Resistance of Traction Motor using High Fill Factor Coil to Improve Fuel Economy of eBus
2021-01-28 21:05:22 조회수929
Date of Publication: 2021.06
Journal: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Authors: Kyoung-Soo Cha, Jun-Woo Chin, Soo-Hwan Park, Young-Hoon Jung, Eui-Chun Lee, Myung-Seop Lim
DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2021.3054798


To improve electric vehicle (EV) mileage, motors must be designed for higher power density and efficiency. Winding technology with a high fill factor decreases the motor volume by reducing the unnecessary area of the slot. A motor conductor with a large cross-sectional area generates additional losses due to AC resistance, reducing the efficiency of the motor. Traction motors designed under these conditions can adversely affect EV fuel economy. Therefore, a design method is proposed to reduce the AC resistance of a traction motor by applying winding technology with a high fill factor to increase the fuel economy of the EVs. First, the characteristics and manufacturing process of the maximum slot occupation (MSO) coil, which is a winding technology with a high fill factor, are introduced. An AC resistance reduction method for a motor using an MSO coil is then proposed. Additionally, a motor designed using the proposed method is presented, and its electrical performance is compared with that of an initial motor. Next, the effect of the fuel economy improvement of the presently designed traction motor is verified through a vehicle simulation, and the validity of this study is experimentally confirmed using this motor. 

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