Prof. Myung-Seop Lim

공간고조파해석 기법을 이용한 웨어러블 로봇용 SPMSM 설계
2019-10-05 10:00:56 조회수1537
Date of Publication: 2019.05
Journal: 전기학회논문지
Authors: 임명섭
DOI: 10.5370/KIEE.2019.68.5.634


This paper discusses the analytical design method of a 125W surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) as an actuator for an exoskeleton wearable robot. Considering the properties of the wareable robot application, pole and slot combination is determined to minimize vibration as well as cogging torque. In addition, the shape of the magnetic core and permanent magnets are determined by using the analytical approaches including space harmonic analysis (SHA) to maximize torque density as well as minimize cogging torque and torque ripple, simultaneously. As a result, the SPMSM which has high torque density with small axial length, low cogging torque/torque ripple and a large hollow rotor is designed. 

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