Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

2G HTS Magnet with Smart Insulation Method
2018-01-09 10:22:46 조회수1091
Date of Publication: 2018.04
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Authors: Young-Sik Jo, Hyung-Wook Kim, Seog-Whan Kim, Doohun Kim, Rock-Kil Ko, Dong-Woo Ha, Heui Joo Park, Ho
Min Kim, Dong-Gyun Ahn, Jung-Pyo Hong, Jin Hur, Seok-Beom Kim
DOI: 10.1109/TASC.2017.2779491


This paper proposes an advanced method to satisfy both the stability and charging/discharging time constant requirements of second generation high-temperature superconductor (2G HTS) magnets. This novel method entails installing metal-insulator transition (MIT) material between the turns of the 2G HTS magnets. The MIT material acts as an insulator when the temperature is lower than a certain value. Above this temperature, the MIT material becomes a conductor. This transition can be used as a switch between the turns of the 2G HTS magnets. We refer to this temperature-dependent smart switch as “smart insulation.” Considering the operating temperature, we selected V 2 O 3 as the material for smart insulation. We have experimentally verified that the advantages of both the insulation magnet (in the superconducting state) and no-insulation magnet (during quenching) can be simultaneously realized. 

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