Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

VIbration Reduction of Switched Reluctance Motor by Experimental Transfer Function and Response Surface Methodology
2004-09-22 08:59:06 조회수1220
Date of Publication: 2004.03
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Authors: Kyung-Ho Ha, Young-Kyoun Kim, Geun-Ho Lee. Jung-Pyo Hong
DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2004.825028


This paper deals with the vibration analysis and the optimal control for the vibration reduction in a switched reluctance motor (SRM). To predict the vibration caused by the magnetic force, the experimental transfer function is coupled with the electromagnetic finite-element method. And then, based on the analysis method, the response surface methodology is applied to find the optimal point for reducing the vibration according to switching angles. The computed results are compared with some of the experimental results of a real SRM.

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