Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

3차원 등가자기 회로망법과 반응표면법을 이용한 초전도 동기 전동기의 최적설계
2005-10-18 10:42:52 조회수777
AUTHOR : 정재우, 이지영, 반지형, 홍정표, 조영식, 손명환, 권영길
ORGANIZATION : 한국초전도 저온공학회
JOURNAL : 2005년도 학술대회 논문집
YEAR : 2005.10.4
PAGE : 194 ~ 197

Abstract - This paper proposes an optimal design process for superconducting synchronous motor by 3-dimensional equivalent magnetic circuit network method (3D EMCN) and an optimization algorithm. Response surface methodology (RSM) is used as the optimization method in design process. The improved characteristics of the optimized model show the utility of proposed design process by the comparison with the characteristics of initial model Index Terms - Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network, Response Surface Methodology, Superconducting Motor, 3D Analysis
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