Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

모터 코아 내부에서 비정현적 자계의 거동에 따른 철손 해석
2005-07-21 07:51:50 조회수729
AUTHOR : 하경호, 차상윤, 김재관, 임양수, 허윤, 홍정표
YEAR : 2005
ISSUE : 하계학술대회 논문집
PAGE : 1071 ~ 1073

This paper investigates magnetic field behavior and its iron losses in the stator cre using electrical steels. The analysis model is a brushless motor with the permanent magnet. The elliptical rotating and alternating flux distributions with nn-sinusoidal waveforms are obtained by Finite Element Method and then their harmonic components are extracted. Based on these results, the local iron losses in the stator core caused by the harmonic flux are calculated. Furthmore, this paper explains the relation between the complex flux waveform and iron loss produced in each part of the stator core.
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