Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

전기자동차 견인용 전동기의 극 수 슬롯 수 조합에 따른 전기적 특성 및 진동 특성 분석
2018-10-17 21:14:39 조회수445
AUTHOR : 박권일, 차경수, 윤명환, 홍정표
JOURNAL : 한국자동차공학회
YEAR : 2017.05

The greenhouse effect is getting worse in these days. To reduce this environmental problem, emission regulation in the automotive industries became strict. Accordingly, the automotive makers stared to develop the environmental friendly vehicles such as the hybrid electric vehicle(HEV) and the electric vehicle(EV). EV is an excellent alternative for conventional combustion engine vehicle. As high torque and wide operation range are essential for Ev traction motor. Recently, it is necessary to design and electric motor having excellent vibration characteristics as well as electrical characteristics in accordance with the desire of the consumer who demands a comfortable riding condition. This paper deals with electrical and vibration characteristic of a traction motor for EV depending on pole-slot combination. First, four motors having the same output and different number of slots were selected. Second, the electrical characteristics such as average torque and torque ripple induced voltage of each motor were compared using finite element analysis. Third, the vibration order of the four models is calculated numerically and the vibration characteristics of each motor are compared. Finally number of pole slot combinations suitable for traction motor using the results of electrical and vibration characteristics.
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