Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Improved Design to reduce Eddy Current Loss in Retain Ring in Superconducting Machines
2011-06-18 05:26:36 조회수1117
Date of Publication: 2011.05
Journal: 한국초전도저온공학회논문지
Authors: 이상호, 정재우, 손도, 홍정표, 김영천
DOI: 10.9714/psac.2011.13.2.013



This paper describes the reduction method of eddy current loss generated into a retaining ring installed in wound-field superconducting machine. In order to suggest the reduction method of eddy current loss of the retaining ring, this paper is divided into three parts. Firstly, eddy current loss of prototype model is calculated. Secondly, eddy current loss versus material and shape of the retaining ring is compared. Finally, the material and the shape of the retaining ring to reduce coupling loss generated by time-varying magnetic field are proposed. In this paper, eddy current loss is calculated by 3-dimensional transient analysis.

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