Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

직선 왕복 액추에이터의 구조에 따른 설계 및 특성 검토
2016-06-04 10:24:41 조회수1940
Date of Publication: 2015.04
Journal: 전기학회논문지
Authors: 김해중, 이충성, 홍정표
DOI: 10.5370/KIEE.2015.64.4.537


This paper provided two types of design method on moving core type LOA and one type of design method on moving coil type LOA, and compared and examined each of its characteristics. In order to conduct parametric design process, voltage equation was used to schematize Lmin/K and L/M map, and the schematized map was used to determine Lmin, K or L, M. In order to meet requirements such as thrust force and input voltage and to satisfy the target values of Lmin, K or L, M, the types and sizes of each type were designed using geometry design process. 2-FEA was conducted for each of the designed model. After examining thrust force based on the location of the mover, Type-1 showed radical change in thrust force as movers moved, and Type-2 and Type-3 showed constant appearance of thrust force. The total volume of the designed LOA model was compared to select the model with highest thrust force density. Also, the weight of the mover for each model was compared in order to select the model that was predicted to have highest mechanical responsiveness and stroke characteristics. 

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