Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Parametric Design and Verification of Vehicle Horn Employing Rolled Silicon Steel Sheets Based on Its Analytical Approach
2019-10-02 15:27:38 조회수300
AUTHOR : Jae-Han Sim, Kyung-Tae Jung, Doo-Young Kim, Jung-Pyo Hong
ORGANIZATION : Intermag 2018
YEAR : 2018.04



Carbon-steel-based solid cores have typically been used in vehicle horns, thanks to their superior cost-effectiveness and productivity.

On the contrary, the high eddy current loss and the corresponding thermal energy are induced when such cores are in a time-varying

magnetic field. As a result, the traditional vehicle horns are usually exposed to a high temperature environment, which degrades their

electromagnetic and mechanical characteristics. This paper thus suggests a vehicle horn with novel structures employing rolled silicon

electrical steel sheets as a solution for the aforementioned phenomena and develops its analytical model. The silicon electrical steel

sheets, 50A470, are rolled around pole and armature of a conventional model. The silicon steel sheets prohibit the eddy current from

flowing in closed loops and decrease the eddy current loss. Furthermore, by means of the decreased magnetic reluctance, the less input

current is needed and thus the joule loss in copper winding reduced. Its analytical model was used in the parametric design procedure

to obtain an optimum model with minimum input current and loss while achieving the required performance. Consequently, the input

current, the eddy current loss and the joule loss of the optimum one were reduced by 24.6%, 28.5% and 55.1%, respectively, compared

to those of the conventional vehicle horn. Finally, the optimum model was manufactured and experimented to validate its effectiveness.

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