Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Space-Time Kriging Surrogate Model to Consider Uncertainty of Time Interval of Torque Curve for Electric Power Steering Motor
2019-10-02 15:02:13 조회수282
AUTHOR : Junyoung Jang, Jin Min Lee, Su-gil Cho, Saekyeol Kim, Jung-Pyo Hong, Tae-Hee Lee
ORGANIZATION : Compumag 2017
YEAR : 2017.06



In rotating motors, the stator or the rotor slots are often assembled in a skew position to reduce the effect of the permeance harmonics

caused by slots. However, an actual skew position in a manufactured motor is not matched precisely to the ideal skew position. Thus, the

effect of the uncertainty of a skew position is investigated in terms of the vibrational characteristic. Then, a space-time kriging surrogate

model is proposed to consider the uncertainty of a skew position in the design stage with the aid of a computer simulation. The proposed

surrogate model handles a time variable having time interval and predicts values between time intervals. Then, the performance of the

proposed model is verified with simulation data and reliability estimated by the proposed model is compared with real data measured

from manufactured motors.

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