Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

A Novel Approach for Axial End Leakage Flux of Spoke-type Interior Permanent Magnet Using Magnetic Equivalent Circuit
2019-10-02 14:09:24 조회수304
AUTHOR : Jun-Yeol Ryu, Jae-Han Sim, Myung-Hwan Yoon, Jung-Pyo Hong
ORGANIZATION : Compumag 2017
YEAR : 2017.06

In the case of a spoke-type interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors which have a relatively short stack length as compared with the

outer stator diameter, the outputs such as back electro-motive force (EMF) and torque is less than expected by using 2D finite-element

analysis (FEA) due to the axial end leakage. In this paper, the magnetic equivalent circuit for spoke-type IPM motors reflecting the

axial end leakage flux is proposed to exactly calculate the outputs such as back EMF and torque. The airgap permeance reflects the

uneven airgap shape such as eccentricity and chamfer by dividing the airgap into many differential elements and calculating each

differential permeance. Results from the magnetic equivalent circuit is compared with the results from 2D, 3D FEA and measurement.

As a result of comparison, the acceptable results are achieved and the computational time is saved dramatically.

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