Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

A Drive Strategy for Vibration Suppression in Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor
2008-03-14 17:04:24 조회수961
AUTHOR : Tao Sun, Geun-Ho Lee, and Jung-Pyo Hong
YEAR : 2006. 09
PAGE : 257(1) ~ 257(5)

Abstract— This paper presents a drive strategy to suppress vibration of permanent magnet Brushless DC (BLDC) motor by reducing the torque ripple. Considering the practical Back Electromotive Force (Back-EMF) of BLDC Motor usually has unideal shape, this strategy divides the phase Back-EMF into four sections to handle respectively. In each section, the phase current is regulated by corresponding PWM duty-ratio to compensate the torque ripple caused by current commutation and unideal Back-EMF. Specially, owing to unideal Back-EMF, the conventional torque ripple estimation criterion during current commutation is valid no more. An improved criterion is proposed in this paper. A program based on this strategy has been implemented in MATLAB@Simulink. And the validity of the presented method is verified by it. Index Terms— vibration suppression, torque ripple, BLDC, PWM.
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