Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Superconducting Motor Design using 3D Analysis Model and Response Surface Methodology
2005-10-24 14:45:51 조회수491
AUTHOR : Ji-Young Lee, Sung-Il Kim, Jung-Pyo Hong, and Seung-Kyu Jeong
ORGANIZATION : International Compumag Society
YEAR : 2005.6.26
PAGE : 186 ~ 187

This paper proposes an effective design process for superconducting motor with a simplified 3D analysis model and an optimization algorithm. Response surface methodology (RSM) is used as the optimization method in whole design process from selecting main design parameters to optimizing them. During the process, the simplified 3D analysis model is used to get electric parameters by 3D equivalent magnetic circuit network method (EMCN). The utility of this method is verified through the comparison of the performances of the optimal geometry and those of the initial geometry.
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