Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Determination of Parameters Considering Magnetic Nonlinearity in Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
2005-10-24 14:33:48 조회수724
AUTHOR : Ji-Young Lee, Sang-Ho Lee, Geun-Ho Lee, and Jung-Pyo Hong
ORGANIZATION : International Compumag Society
YEAR : 2005.6.26
PAGE : 174 ~ 175

These days, interior permanent magnet synchronous motors (IPMSM) are very attractive for application to the systems required high power density such as hybrid vehicles and compressors. As those systems become more compact, the electric motors are getting highly saturated. It is, therefore, naturally required to consider the magnetic nonlinearity when the machines are designed or analyzed. Although there are several papers for the parameter determination in equivalent circuits considering iron loss [1, 2], the parameters are obtained from measurement, experimental equations, or electric linear equations. These methods, however, can not be used in design process or can not estimate the parameters accurately in saturated condition. Therefore, this paper presents a method to calculate motor parameters considering magnetic nonlinearity in IPMSM. The motor characteristics are estimated by using equivalent circuits, and some parameters, consisting the circuit and affected magnetic saturation, are obtained by using finite element analysis method (FEM). Permanent magnet flux, resistance of stator iron loss, and d- and q-axis inductances are the examples for the parameters. The other parameters can be calculated by common equations [1]. Since the method about calculation of permanent magnet flux is very fundamental in FEM [3], only the computation methods about inductance and resistance of iron loss are presented in this paper. It is evident that each method is not very new. However, it is new challenge that the critical parameters of equivalent circuit are calculated by FEM, and the characteristics are estimated from the circuit. The accuracy of the method is examined by the comparison of calculated and measured results of an example IPMSM.
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