Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Iron Loss Behavior in Stator Core with Various Electrical Si-Steels
2005-04-14 06:41:58 조회수648
AUTHOR : K. H. Ha, S. Y. Cha, J. K. Kim, Y Hur, Y. H. Jung, Y. S. Lim and J. P. Hong
JOURNAL : CEFC 2004 (The Elecenth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation
YEAR : 2004
PAGE : 365 ~ 365

This paper investigates the iron losses and their behavir in the stator core for various electrical steels considering the complex flux waveform and the variable flux density. The elliptical rotating and alternating flux distributions with non-sinusoidal waveforms are analyzed by Finite Element Method (FEM) and then their harmonic components are extracted. Based on these results, the distribution of local core losses in the stator core caused by the harmonic flux is calculated. The iron loss and the motor efficiency are investigated using the various non-oriented electrical steels for stator core that have different magnetic properties at high frequencies.
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