Prof. Jung-Pyo Hong

Force Characteristic Analysis of PMLSMs for Magnetic Levitation Stage based on 3-Dimensional Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network
2005-01-19 12:33:56 조회수489
AUTHOR : Gyu-Hong Kang, Jin Hur, Byoung-Kuk Lee, Jung-Pyo Hong
JOURNAL : IAS2004 (International Application Society 2004)
YEAR : 2004
PAGE : ~

This paper deals with the effect of lateral force in the Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor (PMLSM) for the guidance in magnetic levitation stage, In order to analyze not only overhang effect of the PMLSM, but also lateral asymmetry of secondary (mover), 3-Dimensional Equivalent Magnetic Circuit Network (3-D EMCN), considering movement of the secondary in lateral direction is introduced. The current vector control scheme is applied for the analysis of propulsion, levitation, and lateral force in the PMLSM for magnetic levitation stage.
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